Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How to Use Apps to Supplement Your Spanish Lessons

How to Use Apps to Supplement Your Spanish Lessons Suzy S. Its nice to have a little help when learning a new language. But what if help were available at the push of a button? Good news it is! In this article, Spanish teacher  Joan B.  discusses  how to find and use the  best Spanish learning app for you Spanish lessons are a great way to build a strong foundation  so you can speak, write, and understand Spanish fluently. A large part of your success  during lessons is what you do in between them. Reinforcing and practicing the concepts learned  can make a huge difference in your learning. One excellent way to manage your time in between lessons is to use apps as a supplement. Apps  offer immediate feedback, fun and creative games, pronunciation help, and much more. A while back, tutor Jason N. shared his recommendations for the best apps for learning Spanish, and then Breanna D. followed up with 15 MORE Spanish learning apps; now, lets take a closer look at  ways to use these kinds of apps! 1. Reinforce concepts If you learned a new concept in your lesson, you might still be struggling with how it works, as well as incorporating it smoothly into your repertoire. Practicing a new grammar concept with an app like Open Language (for iTunes and Google Play) will guarantee that you use it properly and understand it thoroughly. 2. Get extra feedback Here’s where you can take the initiative so your teacher can help you even more. Since lesson time is limited, why not do some extra practice with an app like Lingualia (for iTunes and Google Play) to pinpoint problem areas and concepts that aren’t totally clear to you? Then you can rapidly address these areas directly with your teacher. When you’ve already done the detective work of identifying the problem, your teacher can help you more effectively. 3. Immerse yourself Practicing Spanish frequently  can make it much easier to recall what you’re learning, in addition to improving fluency. Using apps on a regular basis when you have a few spare moments (on the bus or waiting in line, for example) can increase the time you spend practicing  Spanish, which in turn increases  your skill  level. 4. Comprehension practice Another great thing about lessons  is the opportunity to practice comprehension  when your teacher speaks to you. You don’t have to lose an opportunity in between lessons â€" you can continue to practice dictation, listening, and translation by using an app like FluentU, (for iTunes) where you can listen to Spanish audio. 5. Improve your accent Apps like Rosetta Stone (for iTunes and Google Play) use voice recognition in exercises. This ensures that you’re not just repeating, by rote, a word with incorrect Spanish pronunciation as you try to learn it. Using apps that help you in various ways to improve your accent will ensure that you’re pronouncing words accurately the first time you say them. 6. Make quick progress for a specific goal Some of the best Spanish learning apps, like Duolingo (for iTunes and Google Play), focus on the most useful and common words. This can be a great way to achieve a specific level of fluency in a limited amount of time, such as for a business interaction or upcoming travels. The app can provide you with a path to identify what level you want to reach and how to reach it, in combination with your lessons. 7. Discover your learning style Some apps use a more visual approach, like Fluencia (for web), while others, like Memrise (for iTunes and Google Play), use memorization as a key tool. The key to using apps as a supplement to your Spanish lessons is to discover what learning style works best for you. Experiment with different apps to see what works. Once again, this will also help you with your lessons â€" you can share with your teacher what ways of learning are working well and which ways aren’t as effective. 8. Have fun with the language Keeping it fun and fresh as you learn is important to avoid burnout and frustration. Apps like Cat Spanish (for iTunes), which is humorous and educational with its game format and pictures of cats, will keep you engaged and having fun while learning. Keep these suggestions in mind as you look for apps with which to supplement your Spanish lessons. As you find some apps that work for you, try to make steady progress â€" often the apps will keep track of your frequency of practice and your score, so use it to your advantage as a motivation tool. Your hard work will pay off! Readers, what do you think is the best Spanish learning app? Let us know in the comments! Post Author: Joan B. Joan B. lives in Carmichael, CA and has been teaching high school Spanish for more than 18 years. Shes studied French, Arabic, and Italian and spent time living in Spain. Joan aims to help students improve on tests and increase their conversational ability when traveling to Spanish-speaking countries. Learn more about Joan  here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Friday, March 6, 2020

TutorPace is Their to Help You With Online College Math Tutor Service

TutorPace is Their to Help You With Online College Math Tutor Service We should enjoy each and every phase of our life. Every phase has some or the other kind of essence in itself and thus it attracts people in a lot of ways. The entire part of our life is comprised of various ups and downs that help in making our lives much more memorable. When you sit to count down what we have achieved is life, we not only count the bank balance we have made, but we also count the amount of love, enjoyment and concern we have received from other in our life span. But apart from being a good person it is also important you should be a good professional as well. The expertise of a good professional arrives in from the very initial learning days of our lives. School life and college life is enormously different from one another. There is a large gap between the culture and way both are spent. School is a place where we have to be disciplined and where we have to act according to our teachers. But in college life, things are not so. We can live according to our terms and condition and no such rule book is there. In college years most of the students move out of the track because of the freedom that they get. Some of them are not able to understand what the actual meaning of freedom is and thus ends up going some unmannered activities. But let no go into such problems and let us concentrate on what college is and why does a student go there. It is a place of learning and people are there to learn and acquire knowledge. It is better than we should concentrate on what college is all about and why does children come here. What online tutoring is all about? College is a place where you are there to receive education. Unlike school, college is about knowing one particular subject largely. For me one of the tough subject to carry of your college life is mathematics. I personally feel that mathematics is a very tough subject and to crack that subject every nook and corner is pretty difficult as well as time taking as well. To help you out in this subject I can suggest you to get tuitions under e-learning courses. It may be new type of learning experience, but one of the most popular one in the recent times. Students as well as there parents are adding up being fond of such a service. It has a wide variety of help in the form of services that are attracting most of students who are pretty concerned about having a bright future. Now, you will know about what kind of facilities it has that will help you to get the grip of this way of teaching and you also may feel attracted towards it and end up in enrolling your name into it. Characteristics of online teaching process Online teachers have some of the very good features that can help any student to increase their grades in an easy as well as in a better way. The teachers are very efficient and have expertise over the subject that will help the students to learn more and faster. A good institute issues a rigorous interview process that has to be passed and then only one teacher is been appointed to teach their students. Due to this the teachers have a good grip over the subject and can frame up the weak areas of a student if they conduct only one class with them. Once the weak areas are detected, the second process of the teacher is to turn the weak areas into their strength and this is done very smoothly and with patience so that the students can learn the subject well and from its roots. There is no limitation with the time the classes are conducted. The students can easily attend the classes anytime they want and it is as per their wish that what they want and how they want to get the classes. While sitting at home they can attend the classes and this helps them to save their time, energy as well as transportation cost. They can utilize that time for their study time only. This will help them to learn more. The online tutoring service provides its students with every single teacher. Every single teacher helps each single child every time they attend the classes. There is no such big class having many students at a time. When you have one single teacher who will assist you and help you whenever you need, a student can open up freely and they can easily solve their doubts with having a discussion. They are all away from the shyness that they face in any private or coaching classes. These are the basic characteristics that is very important for any child to increase their knowledge regarding the subject. But if you have an idea that every institute claiming to provide this service are there to help you with such charming facilities then you are not correct. There are many institutes who claim but are unable to put up with their promises and end up destroying the money of the students who have trusted them. How TutorPace is as an institute? TutorPace is one of the most reputed and well known institutes in the market of online tutoring facilities. It has good and qualified teachers who are there to change a student’s future in better within very less time. The rates that are charged by the institute are pretty much less and thus parents can rely on such a institute that will help their child to achieve better marks and lead a bright life ahead. The use of a good teacher and less time will help in making your life a better and a secured one. Thus, you can know more what online college math tutor service is all about in TutorPace.  

Are You Venting Appropriately at Work - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Are You Venting “Appropriately” at Work - Introvert Whisperer Are You Venting “Appropriately” at Work? I’ve just had a highly frustrating experience using an online tool that isn’t what I would say is “user-friendly”.   I had to get on the phone with customer support, drill down on an obscure page and find some tiny little light grey print.   That little print was in direct contradiction to the top page but the little print on the obscure page was the one that counted. It ruled my world and I didn’t even know it until I had someone to help me understand what was taking place. So, why am I saying this to you?   Really, I just needed to vent.   I had someone email a vent to me just yesterday. Venting can be a good way to let off steam and stress.   We all need to do it sometimes and you have to be selective about who you vent to.   At work, we do face a considerable number of frustrating things and it’s easy to vent to your work peers.   The problem with doing that is that if it is about the boss or another person (which it usually is) what you say will most likely get back to that person. I don’t care how “confidential” you try to make your venting; don’t count on it staying that way.   Trust me, as a manager, it always got back to me plus I usually knew when it got to others.   News travels fast. If you need to vent about a work issue, find a person who isn’t at work and is neutral.   (Being neutral simply means they will listen and not make you feel worse) If you want, you can vent to me.   If you want me to shift into “coach”, just let me know. Ahhh, I feel better now. Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why Are English Plurals So Crazy Videos and Exercises

Why Are English Plurals So Crazy Videos and Exercises Have you ever wondered why English plurals are so crazy? Why we say foot and feet, but not book and beek? Why we say goose and geese, but not moose and meese? Why does child turn to children, and not childs?Most English speakers wont be able to tell you why, we just know that some words are different. Thanks to a wonderful new video from TED, we can learn about how the Vikings changed English plurals, and made them easier than they were. Before that, weve got a quick video lesson about how plurals work in English, with an exercise.English Plurals VideoCorrect the plural words in red. Write your answer in comments and we will respond.How many persons study English as a second language?Five womans opened a computer services company.Even childrens enjoy learning on the Internet.Most basketball players are 6 foots tall or more.Which breed of sheeps produces the finest wool?My tooths are sensitive to the cold.At daylight savings time, we have to change our watchs .The boys went fishing an d caught 10 fishs .There are 10 mans in the Maintenance Department.The wifes keep their knifes on the shelfs.So where did these crazy plurals come from? Watch the video below, then try the exercise.Interesting, right? Now try these listening questions. If you answer them in comments, we will respond.1. There are ______of ways that English doesn’t make sense.2. How many years ago was the plural of books ‘beek’?3. How many years ago was English and German the same language?4. _________it was like sheep is today where you don’t do anything to make a plural.5. Why did the English language change?6. At what age does it become very difficult to learn a language without an accent?7. Why did some irregular plurals remain? Justyna How many people study English as a second language? Five women opened a computer services company. Even children enjoy learning on the Internet. Most basketball players are 6 feet tall or more. Which breed of sheep produces the finest wool? My teeth are se nsitive to the cold. At daylight savings time, we have to change our watches . The boys went fishing and caught 10 fish . There are 10 men in the Maintenance Department. Five womans opened a computer services company. Even childrens enjoy learning on the Internet. Most basketball players are 6 foots tall or more. Which breed of sheeps produces the finest wool? My tooths are sensitive to the cold. At daylight savings time, we have to change our watchs . The boys went fishing and caught 10 fishs . There are 10 mans in the Maintenance Department. The wifes keep their knifes on the shelf. LOIEnglish Justyna, Your corrections look correct. It seems that you also may have copied the incorrect versions but I am assuming that was a mistake. Thanks for answering! Did you have a try with the listening exercise? Justyna 1. There are a lot of ways that English doesn’t make sense.2. How many years ago was the plural of books ‘beek’?-The plural of book was beek 1 thousand years ago3. How many years ago was English and German the same language?-English ang German was the same language 25 houndred years ago3.4. Sheep it was like sheep is today where you don’t do anything to make a plural.5. Why did the English language change?-English language change because Vikings got married English women and forgot real kind.6. At what age does it become very difficult to learn a language without an accent?-Learning a language without an accent was difficult at about 15 years old.6.7. Why did some irregular plurals remain?Some irregular plurals remain because they added s. LOIEnglish Good work. Im glad you did the listening part of the lesson. The answer to number 7 is because they were common words. Also, number 5 you have a grammar mistake. Get married TO someone. I hope this helps. Renan How many people study English as a second language? Five women opened a computer services company. Even children enjoy learning on the Internet. Most basketball players are 6 feet tall or m ore. Which breed of sheep produces the finest wool? My teeth are sensitive to the cold. At daylight savings time, we have to change our watches . The boys went fishing and caught 10 fish . There are 10 men in the Maintenance Department. The wives keep their knives on the shelves. LOIEnglish Good work Renan. Have you tried the listening exercise?

Barings Supports Elementary Students with Donation - Heart Math Tutoring

Barings Supports Elementary Students with Donation - Heart Math Tutoring Barings Supports Elementary Students with Donation Barings Supports Elementary Students with Donation January 23, 2018 We are excited to announce a generous donation to Heart Math Tutoring from Barings! In addition to their partnership through volunteer engagement, Barings is now helping Heart reach more schools next year through financial support! At each Heart school, 50-80 students will receive one-on-one tutoring from late September to early May. “We are very pleased to support Heart Math Tutoring, and believe strongly in the organization’s mission of providing elementary school students with tools to help them excel academically,” said Tom Finke, Barings’ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Barings employees have been volunteering as Heart tutors since 2015, with 16 active tutors today. Read the fullPress Releasehere.

Teach Away Telegram - August 2011

Teach Away Telegram - August 2011 In the August edition of the Teach Away Telegram, we discuss whether or not international teaching is a feasible long-term career option. We also have a look at a very exciting teaching program that recently launched in the Republic of Georgia. And finally, one teacher shares what he learned while teaching in the United Arab Emirates â€" and why he is going back this fall!If you have any feedback on the Telegram, or if there is a particular topic you would like to see featured in an upcoming issue, please feel free to drop us a line. We love hearing from you.Happy reading! - The Teach Away TeamIn this issue:Teaching Overseas: A Long-Term Option?Georgia On My MindTwo Years in the UAE: A Teacher's StoryTeaching Overseas: A Long-Term Option?Teaching overseas for a year is often considered something one does after graduating university. Let’s face it, if you’re a native English speaker, possess a Bachelor’s degree, and you are open to new countries and cultures, teaching English ab road for a year is one of the best ways to get some of that desperately needed experience - and money - after university.As the emphasis on English language learning extends to more and more countries around the world, the need for English teachers grows in unison. Many governments have recognized that in order to develop as a nation, communication in English is key. Because of this, these governments have initiated education reforms - the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia are two countries that come to mind - focusing on introducing English to their youth, and in some cases, through immersion with other subjects like Science and Math. Private organizations have also used these government initiatives to develop their own English schools to not only teach English to children, but also to adults.All this growth is great, but can you teach overseas and still raise children, stay connected with friends and family, or even save a substantial amount of money? Is a long-term career oversea s feasible?In short, yes.Since the need for teachers is always growing, many international teaching programs now offer longer-term renewable contracts, as well as family allowances in order to attract a larger pool of qualified teachers. Opportunities allowing family visa sponsorship and comfortable accommodations are becoming more common; some also subsidize schooling for children.Staying connected with family and friends back home shouldn’t be much of a concern, especially considering the technological era in which we live. An internet connection and a webcam, along with some well-timed scheduling, are all it takes to see and talk to those you miss.Now, after considering family and friends, many people think about finances. Initially, teaching overseas may not seem to be the most lucrative option, but the cost of living is much lower in many countries, and this can add up to substantial savings for teachers. With the appropriate credentials and experience, more lucrative program s with salaries approaching $6,000 US/month are also accessible.Let’s think about all of this for a second:Teaching overseas provides you the chance to travel and experience another culture, learn a new language, build upon your resume, earn a steady income, live comfortably, bring a family in some opportunities, and still stay connected with family and friends. And of course, you’ll be able to meet new people, many of whom are teaching overseas and connecting via social networking pages like Teach Away’s Facebook page. So, what may have once been considered as a quick stint to build some experience and earn some money after graduation has quickly blossomed into a very feasible career option. Adventure and stability now co-exist teaching overseas.  Georgia On My MindHave you heard of Georgia? No, not the US State home to Coca-Cola’s headquarters, CNN, or any one of Ted Turner’s moustache-sporting enterprises; but Georgia, the country positioned at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.Ever since prying itself free from Soviet reign in 1918, the country has been trying to re-establish itself as the world power it once was during the reign of the Roman Empire. The country’s economy has recently experienced a major shift since the government announced an initiative to focus on building English language skills through the Teach and Learn with Georgia Program (TLG).This program, aimed at public schools from the primary to secondary levels, allows native English speakers from Canada, the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa to work alongside a local Georgian teacher to teach English. As education is a priority to the Georgian government, resources and support for teachers in this program are on the rise. In fact, Georgia’s Ministry of Education has given so much attention and funding to the program that at present, 75% of all classrooms now have computers and high-speed internet.But the focus is not only on classes and student success. Teac hers are being supported as much as possible as well. Foreign teachers are provided the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Georgian culture by staying with a host-family, traveling to famous areas including the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountains via organized tours, and dining on delicacies including khachapuri (cheese bread) and khinkali (a Georgian take on dumplings).With 6-month and 12-month teaching contracts available that offer stipends equal to what many local Georgians earn per month, this is a great way for anyone with the minimum of 2 years of post-secondary education to travel, teach, and experience life overseas.For more reasons why Georgia should be on your mind, contact us here at Teach Away, or better yet, apply online.  Two Years in the UAE: A Teacher's StoryThis month, we spoke to Milad Mazaheritaghizadeh, who recently finished a 2 year contract in the United Arab Emirates. Milad taught grade 2 in Al Sameeh, Al Rahba, about 30 minutes from the city of Abu Dh abi. While Milad is currently enjoying some time in North America with friends and family, he is gearing up to return to teaching in Abu Dhabi this fall.When we asked Milad why he applied to teach overseas 2 years ago, he cited the need for a new challenge as his primary reason. “My friends were talking about this opportunity in the Middle East. After some time, I thought why not?” He had been teaching in Toronto for 2 years and the drastic change of pace the United Arab Emirates seemed to offer appealed to him; he was ready to try something new.Despite being ready for a change, Milad admits, “The UAE was not what I expected. I thought it would be more traditional, because it’s a Muslim country. It was much more Westernized than I expected, and it definitely caters to expats. In terms of the actual classroom experience, I didn’t know what to expect.”As it turns out, Milad suggests the best attitude is to expect the unexpected. When he first started teaching in the UAE, t he education reform project in Abu Dhabi had just launched. Resources were scarce and most classrooms were bare. Now, schools are improving the number of resources available to students and teachers, and there is an increasing amount of support available to staff.“The worst thing a teacher can do, in my opinion, is expect teaching in the UAE to be like teaching in Canada or in the US. There is definitely a different way of life, and you learn to adapt to it. You learn to go with the flow. Don’t ask why the little things are the way they are; you’re just there to do the best job you can do. You have to see it for the great opportunity it is.”While many teachers make the move to the UAE for the lucrative tax-free salary, in order to gain more teaching experience, and to experience teaching in a different setting, Milad says that teaching overseas can definitely advance one’s career. “Teaching in the UAE allowed me to experience new things, grow as a person, experience diff erent teaching styles and different education systems, and develop my adaptability as an educator.”When asked why he will be returning to the UAE this fall, Milad talks about the best part of the job: improving student achievement. “It’s a great feeling to see an actual change. You see a substantial change in the kids, whereas in North America, results aren’t that dramatic. You’ll see kids make huge strides in their language ability level, and that’s the best part.”

3 Things to Consider When Choosing a College - TutorNerds

3 Things to Consider When Choosing a College - TutorNerds Thinking beyond freshman year: 3 things to consider when choosing a college Tips From a San Diego College Admissions Consultant Most students think about their freshman year when choosing what college to attend. This makes sense because it will be the most important and transitional year in their lives thus far. However, the college experience will last four years and each year will be an essential part of a students overall education. Students also need to think about choosing a major field of study by their junior year and job placement opportunities upon graduation. They are encouraged to think about these three things before making a final college choice our private San Diego college admissions consultants are here to help. 1. The general education curriculum Both freshman and sophomore year will be focused on General Ed. There may be some courses that students are really excited about, but they should find out how likely they are to get into their first or second choice class. Many colleges are entirely impacted, meaning there are more students attending the school than there are seats for them to sit in. The General Ed curriculum might have tons of opportunities for students to explore potential majors or personal interests but they need to feel confident theyll be able to find a spot in these classes before they have to move on to junior year. If not, students will have to choose between attending college, and paying tuition, for a 5th year or missing out on those classes altogether. 2. Potential major options Many students enter the college environment as ‘undecided.’ This means they dont know what they want to study and theyre not going to declare a major until their junior year. Students who are undecided need to make sure there are several different options available to them when it comes time to make a choice. Most, but not all, larger public schools offer a wide variety of major options while smaller schools tend to specialize in just a few things. Some students are 100% sure they want to study something in particular. However, many of those students change their mind part way through so even students who have declared a major in their application should research what their other options might be just in case (READ: College Decisions: 3 Things to Think About). 3. Internship opportunities Thinking about internships while also dealing with all of the other things that come with applying to college is entirely overwhelming. However, after students complete their freshman or sophomore year, they should consider the value of an internship with the right company. Most freshmen are too tired to think about an internship after their first year but, sophomores and juniors are usually well-adjusted to the college environment and have the time and opportunity to do a summer internship. Students who know what they want to major in are encouraged to look into internships with local companies that might be hiring new graduates. Students can also use internships to determine whether or not they want to work in a particular field for 30 years or more. Its important that the college support these internships by giving students credit, but its also essential that there are enough companies in the local area who take on college interns over the summer. Our in-house San Diego college admissions consultants have a 97% success rate! Get into your top choice with the help of a consultant. Call TutorNerds today. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at pr@tutornerds.com for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.